Community of LIGHT

Rarely Do Professional Leaders Have A Safe Place To Gather In Order To Vent and Be Themselves Free Of Criticism And Observation. All The While Learning!

What is the value?

  • The Value solely rests in the word Community, hence forth COMMUNE. To stay on point, to never get dull, to keep skills sharp, Leaders need a safe place to go back to as in the drawing board to sharpen their Leadership Blade consistently.
  • Leadership within itself is being executed at its highest form when the phrase, "sharing best practices" is somewhere in the mix. The value a Leader can gain from another Leader is truly invaluable. That's where community reigns.
  • Any person who is considered a professional leader are familiar with words such as accountability, professionalism, bearing, integrity, discernment, wisdom, decisive, calculated, systematic, loyal, humble, aggressive, poised, dependable, initiative, enthusiastic, optimistic, frustrated, burned-out. A community of like-minded Leaders change the world.
  • The morals, standards, traits, characteristics of a Leader is shaped in the locker room, the back office when no one else is around, behind the scenes, the lonely road where it's only the sound of thoughts-controlled breathing-and rubber slapping the pavement. Where the trench work is executed.
  • Professional Leaders are a very rare breed. The professional Leader often feels lonely inside of a bubble of their own. It's when the professional Leader comes to grips with the extreme importance and need of knowing the power that only community can bring. 

What is it worth?

"Community is any group of people that are pursuing the same vision and living by the same set of values."

Howard Partridge


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